My favorite number is ten, so it's always difficult for me to want to add an eleven to anything. But it has been so long!
SBC girls! |
Hoge & I |
Hello from California! As a child I overheated very easily, and have only gotten more sensitive to the heat as I've aged. But it would seem that this is where God has me for now! :)
Part of my house |
As I may have mentioned before, I also have a 'chink in my armor' that tends to be an area of struggle for me with my emotions. I was never diagnosed, but I have had to really work at being joyful and unafraid throughout my life. The devil knows this, (and I'm thankful that I am aware) so it's an important matter to keep under control. Anyway, how is all this connected?
Back view of the house (with a stray pool ladder) |
I am feeling quite alone these days. Sure, my relationship with my family is ever growing sweeter, and my Abba is always with me. But over the past three years, I've lived in four different states, six different homes, and my circumstances have considerably changed. I love, love, LOVE my church family, and they are just that most of the time. They are so sweet and I love to be involved in their lives. But changing hands so frequently makes it difficult to have close relationships. Maybe this is God giving me a hint: don't put more stock in temporal things/relationships than in Him.
I thank the L
ORD for my sweet friend B, whom He has miraculously placed in the same family and town as me!
H, B, I - at B's wedding a month ago. |
It has been a journey. An adventure even! My God is working all things out for His glorious purposes, and I long to trust Him more as He uses me however He will.
Ah yes! The title of this entry is important indeed. I am reminded frequently of my inadequacy and Christ's sufficiency. As a little child, I am learning to walk, to live, to trust Him more, and I'm needing to re-do it this time. I'm alone, I'm single, I'm learning a whole new way of life, and God is there, holding my hand as I take some baby steps and some big jumps. May I seek His will above all.
This hymn has been on my mind lately, and this verse in particular. The depth of Jesus' love for us is one I shall never fully comprehend. He has blessed us and saved us thousands of times more than we could ever deserve.
View Him prostrate in the garden, on the ground your Maker lies.
On the bloody tree behold Him! Sinner, will this not suffice?