Wednesday, November 5, 2014

3 - Absolutely Nothing

I discovered this journal entry from September yesterday. Take a moment to enjoy my overzealous imagery and (most importantly) focus on what is truly essential for your walk.

Absolutely nothing compares to the poetry of a late afternoon in September. The sunlight pushes through the leaves to hover gently within the small, cloudy ground-plants. Swarms of gnats find soothing warmth in the middle of the slices of sun as they spin and twirl and dance to the sound of absolutely nothing.

This sound is made up of faraway birds: crows making mournful statements, overachieving geese beginning their long journey, and even the occasional droning, buzzing, grating sound of a cicada, singing its life song. Squirrels squabble over mysterious petty offenses and can often be heard trying to squeak their teeth through a still-green hickory husk.

The smells that fill the air are warmed from a summer full of sun. A deep, complex, woody smell comes from bark that has reached maturity. The magic of this time cannot be called summer or autumn, but simply an in-between season. It is not still the vivacious era of work and frolic and not yet the serious, romantic time of drawing together what is most important in preparation for the harsh weather ahead.

It is in this time, dearest reader, that one can feel blissfully or irritably suspended in absolutely nothing, unsure of which duties to carry out. In the season between what was and what may be, there is only one thing to do.

Make it your utmost purpose to do absolutely nothing but praise the Lord.

He is the one who fashioned the exciting and vivid summer season, with all of its ups and downs. He is the one who holds the definition of the future in a secret, safe place.

Jesus is the one who died so that you could live. In every season, prove to Him that you are thankful for his unrepayable gift. Live your life with His best interests in mind and He will make your worries and fears absolutely nothing.